List of University of the East (UE) Scholarship Programs

The University of the East is one of the Philippines’ leading universities that produces millions of alumni who have successfully made their mark in their chosen careers. The school offers high-quality education, advanced technologies and proper learning environment. Its competent teachers also have a reputation of honing academically excellent and globally competent students.

Also Read: List of UP Diliman Scholarship Programs

In this article, you will be able to know the various scholarship programs being offered at the University of the East. These programs are initiatives of the said university to contribute to the holistic development of its students and recognize their hard work. Check out the article below to learn more about them.

List of University of the East (UE) Scholarship Programs

What is the University of the East?

The University of the East was founded in 1946 by Dr. Francisco T. Dalupan Sr. It was first established as a reviewer class and fortunately, four of their reviewers went on to become top-notchers in the 1947 CPA Licensure Examinations. Later on, Dr. Dalupan and associates opened the Philippine College of Commerce and Business Administration (PCCBA). The PCCBA was later renamed as University of the East when the University status was granted in July 1950.

The University of the East is one of the leading universities in the country. It aims to develop individuals through excellent teaching, dynamic and relevant research, and response service supported by evolving technology for global competence. They prepare learners through holistic education with human core values.

As a private non-sectarian higher education institution, UE commits itself to provide students with relevant, affordable, and quality education and upbringing students as morally upright and become competitive leaders in their chosen fields and professions as well as having the sense of service towards their fellowmen and the country.

The University of the East also dedicates itself to providing service to the youth, to God, and to the country with the aid of the Divine Providence in adherence to academic freedom, to progressive instruction as well as to creative scholarship, goodwill among nations, and constructive educational leadership.

In the pursuit of knowledge and excellence, as well as its vision and mission for the youth, country, and society, the said university aims to produce graduates who can be attuned to the constantly changing needs as well as challenges of the youth within the context of a proud nation and its enriched culture in the global community. Also, graduates who can produce new knowledge garnered from innovative research which is the hallmark of the institution’s integrity and dynamism, and graduates who are capable of rendering relevant and committed service to the community, to the country, and the world.

As a private institution, it is already expected to have a high tuition fee. Fortunately, UE has opened various opportunities to help the deserving students of the university who are financially unstable by providing different scholarship programs. These scholarships aim to lessen part of the financial struggles of the students. Additionally, these scholarship grants are being offered to academically excellent students and to those student-athletes and other members of school organizations that bring pride to the school.

Below is the list of all the scholarship grants and programs made available by the said institution. This will somehow give you some insights regarding the scholarship programs you may apply for when you study at the said university.

List of Scholarship Programs at the University of the East

1. Academic Scholarship

This scholarship program is given to deserving freshmen (Grade 7 and Grade 11) students who met the standards and qualifications set by the university.

  • To be eligible for the scholarship grant an entering freshman must belong to either Rank 1 or Rank 2 of their batch.
  • A full scholarship will be awarded to Rank 1 of the graduating class and half or 50% of the scholarship grant will be awarded to students who are Rank 2 of their batch.

Note: This scholarship program is only for those incoming grades 7 and grade 11 who ranked 1 and 2 in their class. Other miscellaneous fees are not included.

2. Family Discount

Family discount is a program that helps aid financially a student whose siblings are enrolled in the Basic Education Department. The 3rd child enrolled in the department will be given a 25% discount while a 50% discount will be given to the 4th child enrolled in the department.

Note: This program is only applicable to students who have sibling/s enrolled in the institution if none, the school will not give you the eligibility for the scholarship.

3. PEAC- DepEd Tuition Fee Subsidy

A tuition Fee Subsidy is being offered by the Private Education Assistance Committee of DepEd for qualified Grade 7 and Grade 11 students.

  • To be qualified for the scholarship program the applicant must submit all the requirements set by the institution; those who fail to comply will not be granted the scholarship program.
  • Qualified incoming grade 7 students will receive ESC grant/tuition fee subsidy.
  • While the incoming grade 11 students will receive a voucher for tuition fee subsidy.
  • This applies to students who come from either public or private schools.

4. Scholarship for College Students

a. The UE-Tan Yan Kee

The UE-Tan Yan Kee Scholarship Program is open to eligible and deserving senior high school graduates who passed the UE College Entrance Test (CET) with high scores set by the university.

  • The applicant must have a general weighted average of at least 85% with grades in English, Mathematics, and Science of at least 88% each.
  • The grantee of the UE-Tan Yan Kee scholarship program will receive 100% of tuition and miscellaneous fees per semester.
  • The grantee may also enjoy the uniform subsidy of 1000 pesos per semester, a transportation allowance of 1,000 pesos per semester, a book allowance worth 1,500 pesos per semester, and a monthly stipend worth 2,500 pesos.

Note:  The applicants must submit their accomplished application form and Form 138, if available.

b. Merit-Based Scholarship

The merit-based scholarship is given to academically excellent students. A student who performed well in class and met the required grade point average set by the university is eligible for this scholarship program.

Aside from academically excellent students, this scholarship program can also be awarded to those students with leadership experience and active involvement in extra-curricular activities.

c. Skill-based Scholarship

If you are a student of the University of the East who excels in arts or are outstanding in sports then this scholarship program is for you.  This scholarship program gives a full or half of the tuition and may also include a monthly stipend. This is to help students who are doing their best to bring pride to the institution.

Aside from being a member of the arts and sports organization of the school, the applicant must also meet the grade point average set by the school. This is to ensure that even if the student is active in the school organization, he/she is still performing well academically.

d. Needs-based Scholarship

This scholarship program is being offered to students whose parents earn a low monthly gross income. The university had set standards that serve as the eligibility requirement to apply for the scholarship program. This scholarship program helps to aid the financial problem of the student who wishes to study at the University.

e. Context-based Scholarship

This scholarship program is being offered to students whose parents are military officials, government employees, or company or school employees. To receive this scholarship program the applicant must meet the eligibility requirements that depend on their family’s background.

Video: University of the East Campus Tour

Check out the video above which was made by Tourism students at the University of the East. In this video, they showed different areas of the school campus including the library, gym, garden, computer laboratories and much more. If you are interested in pursing education in this institution, this video will definitely serve as a useful guide to familiarize yourself with the environment where you will be spending most of your school years.


This article covers important details about the different scholarship programs offered by the University of the East. It also tackles the list of qualifications and privileges that has to be met by those interested students to become eligible for the scholarship program.

If you have some questions or concerns about the scholarship program, you can visit their official website at or visit their official Facebook page here: