The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) offers scholarships to qualified undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing careers in science and technology. The scholarships are open to students from all over the country, and cover tuition and other related expenses.
One of the best ways to prepare for a career in science and technology is to get a head start through an undergraduate scholarship. The DOST S&T Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to freshmen students who show great promise in the field of science and technology.
The scholarships cover tuition and other related expenses, as well as a monthly stipend. recipients also receive mentorship from DOST scientists and engineers, giving them a chance to learn from some of the best in the field. The DOST S&T Undergraduate Scholarships are a great way to get a jumpstart on your career in science and technology.
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is a body and agency of the Philippine Government that is responsible for the formulation and coordination of science and technology projects. It is involved in the different aspects of science and technology and one of them is the scholarship programs that they offer for students who want to pursue a career in Science and Technology. They also support entrepreneurs who have innovative ideas for development. Hence, DOST focuses more on the advancement and development of science and technology in the country.
If you wish to know more about the different scholarship programs that DOST offers to students, you are in the right place! We will provide you with an in-depth guide to applying for their different programs starting from the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships.

What is the DOST S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program?
The S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program aims to encourage Filipino students to pursue a career in Science and Technology to ensure a steady, adequate supply of qualified S&T human resources which can steer the country towards national progress. This scholarship program can either be a Merit Scholarship or a RA7687 Scholarship.
Merit Scholarship
The DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program is awarded to students who have high aptitude in science and mathematics and are willing to pursue careers in any field of science and technology.
RA 7687 Scholarship
The RA 7687 Scholarship is a scholarship grant to talented and deserving students whose families’ socio-economic status does not exceed the set cut-off values of certain indicators. Additionally, those who qualify for this scholarship program must pursue priority fields of study in the basic sciences, engineering, other applied sciences, and science and mathematics teaching.
Programs Covered by the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarships and Study Placement
- Bachelor in Mathematics Education
- Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education with Specialization in Information and Communications
- Bachelor of Library and Information Science
- BS Aeronautical Engineering
- BS Aerospace Engineering
- BS Agribusiness
- BS Agribusiness Management
- BS Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship
- BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- BS Agricultural Biotechnology (1)
- BS Agricultural Chemistry
- BS Agricultural Economics
- BS Agricultural Engineering
- BS Agricultural Technology
- BS Agriculture
- BS Animal Husbandry
- BS Animal Science
- BS Applied Mathematics
- BS Applied Mathematics major in Mathematical Finance (2)
- BS Applied Physics
- BS Applied Physics with Applied Computer System
- BS Applied Physics with Materials Science and Engineering (2)
- BS Applied Statistics
- BS Architecture
- BS Astronomy
- BS Astronomy Technology
- BS Basic Medical Sciences (6)
- BS Biochemistry
- BS Biology
- BS Biology for Teachers
- BS Biotechnology
- BS Ceramics Engineering
- BS Chemical Engineering
- BS Chemistry
- BS Chemistry for Teachers
- BS Chemistry with Applied Computer Systems
- BS Chemistry with Materials Science and Engineering (2)
- BS Civil Engineering
- BS Clothing Technology
- BS Community Nutrition
- BS Computer Engineering
- BS Computer Science
- BS Electrical Engineering
- BS Electronics and Communications Engineering
- BS Electronics Engineering
- BS Environmental Science
- BS Fisheries
- BS Food Science and Technology
- BS Food Technology
- BS Forestry
- BS Geodetic Engineering
- BS Geography
- BS Geology
- BS Geothermal Engineering
- BS Health Science
- BS Human Biology (5)
- BS Industrial Design
- BS Industrial Engineering
- BS Industrial Management Engineering-Information Technology (3)
- BS Industrial Pharmacy
- BS Information and Communications Technology
- BS Information System
- BS Information Technology
- BS Information Technology Systems
- BS Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- BS Life Sciences
- BS Management Information Systems (2)
- BS Manufacturing Engineering
- BS Manufacturing Engineering-Management-Biomedical Engineering (3)
- BS Manufacturing Engineering-Management-Mechatronics and Robotics (3)
- BS Marine Biology
- BS Marine Science
- BS Materials Engineering
- BS Mathematics
- BS Mathematics and Science Teaching
- BS Mathematics for Teachers
- BS Mechanical Engineering
- BS Mechatronics Engineering
- BS Medical Laboratory Science
- BS Medical Technology
- BS Metallurgical Engineering
- BS Meteorology
- BS Microbiology
- BS Mining Engineering
- BS Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- BS Nutrition
- BS Nutrition and Dietetics
- BS Packaging Engineering
- BS Petroleum Engineering
- BS Pharmaceutical Sciences
- BS Pharmacy (4-year program)
- BS Pharmacy major in Clinical Pharmacy (5-year program)
- BS Physics
- BS Physics for Teachers
- BS Psychology
- BS Public Health
- BS Speech Pathology
- BS Statistics
- BSE Biological Sciences
- BSE Biology
- BSE Biology-Chemistry (4)
- BSE Chemistry
- BSE General Sciences
- BSE Mathematics
- BSE Physical Sciences
- BSE Physics
- BSE Physics-Chemistry (4)
- BSE Physics-Mathematics (4)
- BSE Science
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
(1) UP System only
(2) 4yrs, ADMU only
(3) DLSU only
(4) 4yrs, USC only
(5) 3yrs, DLSU only
(6) 4 yrs, UPM only
Study Placements
- University of the Philippines
- State Universities and Colleges
- Private Institutions that are recognized by CHED as Centers of Excellence or Centers of Development or has FAAP Level III accreditation for the priority S&T programs of study
Qualified students for both scholarship programs are entitled to receive the following benefits per Academic Year and Summer Allowance (if required by curriculum).
Regular Academic Year
- Scholars enrolled in private HEIs shall receive tuition and other school fees allowance of Php 40,000 per year.
- Book allowance of Php 10,000 per year.
- Monthly living allowance of Php 7,000.
- Clothing allowance for 1st sem of 1st Year only amounting to Php 1,000.
- Scholars studying outside of their home province shall receive a Transportation allowance of 1 economy class roundtrip fare.
- They shall also receive a premium Group Health and Accident Insurance.
- A Thesis allowance amounting to Php 10,000.
- A Graduation allowance of Php 1,000
Summer Allowance
- Scholars shall receive Php 1,500 for Tuition and other school fees.
- Book allowance of Php 500 (to submit Official Receipt).
- A Monthly living allowance amounting to Php 7,000 per month for two (2) months.
Below are the qualifications that interested student applicants must meet before applying for any of the two scholarship programs.
Merit Scholarship
- Must be a natural-born Filipino citizen.
- Must be a member of the STEM strand senior high school graduating class or a member of the top five percent (5%) of the Non-STEM strand senior high school graduating class.
- Have a good moral character and be in good health.
- Does not have any post-secondary or undergraduate units.
- Applicants have not taken any previous DOST-SEI examination or have taken the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Examination but did not qualify for the scholarship or have qualified for the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship but did not avail of the award.
RA 7687
- Must be a natural-born Filipino citizen.
- A poor, talented and deserving student who belongs to a family whose socio-economic status does not exceed the set values of certain indicators.
- Must be a member of the STEM strand senior high school graduating class or a member of the top five percent (5%) of the Non-STEM strand senior high school graduating class.
- A resident of the municipality as attested by the barangay for at least four (4) years.
- Has a good moral character and is in good health.
- Does not have any post-secondary or undergraduate units.
- Additionally, applicants have not taken any previous DOST-SEI examination or have taken the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Examination but did not qualify for the scholarship or have qualified for the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship but did not avail of the award
Here is the list of the documentary requirements that each applicant must prepare and secure for any of the two S&T Scholarship Programs of DOST.
- A Certificate of Good Moral Character.
- A Certificate of Good Health.
- A Principal’s Certification.
- A Certificate of Residency.
- A Parent’s Certification that shows that an applicant has no pending immigration application to another country.
- Applicant’s Certification Re- Not a DOST Scholar before this application.
- A signed Declaration of Applicant and the Parent/Legal Guardian.
- A Certified Copy of Permanent Student Record (Form 137) or Report Card (Form 138) for Grades 9, 10, and 11.
- A recent picture, passport size (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm or 1.4 x 1.8 inches inches).
- A Birth Certificate.
- A Parent/s or Legal Guardian’s 2020 Income Tax Return / BIR Form 1701 / Employment Contract for OFW / BIR Certificate of Exemption from Filing of ITR / Certificate of Indigency / Certificate of Employment with Compensation / Proof of Pension.
How to Get DOST Tulong Dunong Scholarship Assistance
Here is the step-by-step guide when applying for a DOST scholarship programs.
Step 1: Go to the E-Scholarship Application System of DOST for the S&T scholarship program here –
Step 2: Then, select the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships to apply.
Step 3: Fill out all the information needed and attached the documentary requirements if required.
Step 4: Send your application and wait for a response.
Important Note: Visit the official website of DOST here – for announcements of the opening of the online registration and application for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program.
Important Reminders
Here are some of the important takeaways and reminders that student applicants must keep in mind when applying for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program.
- Before applying for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program, you must have a valid email address for logging in to your application account and for receiving notifications about your application status and results.
- You must also provide a working mobile number(s) by which you can be contacted should there be a need to, relative to your application.
- You will have an assigned Application ID which you have to secure access to your credentials. This will serve as your access credential to the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship E-Application System.
- You must also have no multiple accounts.
- You must have a stable internet connection when you fill out your E-Application and the documents that needed to be uploaded.
Video: DOST Scholarships for Graduating Senior High School Students
This video is very helpful and informative to anyone who wishes to avail of a DOST scholarship to support their tertiary education. Here, you will know the different DOST scholarship programs you can apply for when you plan to take up courses or programs under the priority courses that are covered by the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarships. Hence, if you want to know more about the different DOST scholarships and their qualifications and requirements, this video is very helpful and will give you all the important information you need to know.
You can also check out the official website of DOST here – to know the current updates about the opening of the undergraduate scholarships application and learn more about the scholarships program they offer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some FAQs about the S&T scholarship for undergraduates.
1. Who can apply for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program of DOST?
The S&T Scholarships Program is a scholarship grant intended for Filipino youths who wish to pursue any science and technology-related career. This scholarship program will help them to support their studies financially until they graduate from their chosen program.
2. What are the benefits and privileges I can get from the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program?
Grantees or beneficiaries of the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program are entitled to receive the following benefits per Academic Year and Summer Allowance (if required by curriculum).
Regular Academic Year
- Scholars enrolled in private HEIs shall receive tuition and other school fees allowance of Php 40,000 per year.
- Book allowance of Php 10,000 per year.
- Monthly living allowance of Php 7,000.
- Clothing allowance for 1st sem of 1st Year only amounting to Php 1,000.
- Scholars studying outside of their home province shall receive a Transportation allowance of 1 economy class roundtrip fare.
- They shall also receive a premium Group Health and Accident Insurance.
- A Thesis allowance amounting to Php 10,000.
- A Graduation allowance of Php 1,000.
Summer Allowance
- Scholars shall receive Php 1,500 for Tuition and other school fees.
- Book allowance of Php 500 (to submit Official Receipt).
- A Monthly living allowance amounting to Php 7,000 per month for two (2) months.
3. What are the qualifications when applying for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program?
The qualifications when applying for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program depend on the type of scholarship program you wish to apply for.
For the Merit Scholarship, interested applicants be a natural-born Filipino citizen, a member of the STEM strand senior high school graduating class or member of the top five percent (5%) of the Non-STEM strand senior high school graduating class, have a good moral character and in good health, does not have any post-secondary or undergraduate units, and have not taken any previous DOST-SEI examination or have taken the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Examination but did not qualify for the scholarship or have qualified for the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship but did not avail of the award.
For the RA 7687 Scholarship, interested applicants must be a natural born Filipino citizen, a poor, talented, and deserving student who belongs to a family whose socio-economic status does not exceed the set values of certain indicators, a member of the STEM strand senior high school graduating class or a member of the top five percent (5%) of the Non-STEM strand senior high school graduating class, a resident of the municipality as attested by the barangay for at least four (4) years, has a good moral character and in good health, and does not have any post-secondary or undergraduate units, and have not taken any previous DOST-SEI examination or have taken the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Examination but did not qualify for the scholarship or have qualified for the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship but did not avail of the award
4. What are the documentary requirements I need to prepare and provide before applying for the S&T Scholarships Program?
The documentary requirements you have to provide when applying for any of the two S&T Undergraduate Scholarships programs are the same. He/she must prepare the following documents:
- A Certificate of Good Moral Character.
- A Certificate of Good Health.
- A Principal’s Certification.
- A Certificate of Residency.
- A Parent’s Certification that shows that an applicant has no pending immigration application to another country.
- Applicant’s Certification Re- Not a DOST Scholar before this application.
- A signed Declaration of Applicant and the Parent/Legal Guardian.
- A Certified Copy of Permanent Student Record (Form 137) or Report Card (Form 138) for Grades 9, 10, and 11.
- A recent picture, passport size (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm or 1.4 x 1.8 inches inches).
- A Birth Certificate.
- A Parent/s or Legal Guardian’s 2020 Income Tax Return / BIR Form 1701 / Employment Contract for OFW / BIR Certificate of Exemption from Filing of ITR / Certificate of Indigency / Certificate of Employment with Compensation / Proof of Pension.
5. Where can I apply for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program?
You can go to the E-Scholarship Application System here – to apply for the scholarship program.
6. What are the priority courses or programs for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program?
You can check out the list of the priority courses or programs for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program mentioned above.
This is the process when applying for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program and the important things you need to know before sending an application to DOST. Bear in mind that this scholarship program is only for those Senior High School graduate students who intend to pursue a career related to science and technology. Under the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships, programs are the Merit Scholarship and RA 7687 Scholarship.
The Merit Scholarship is awarded to students who have high aptitude in science and mathematics and are willing to pursue careers in any field of science and technology.
Meanwhile, the RA 7687 Scholarship offers scholarship grants to talented and deserving students whose families’ socio-economic status does not exceed the set cut-off values of certain indicators.
If you wish to know more about the other DOST Scholarship programs, you can visit the official website of DOST here – Hence, we hope that you have found this article helpful as you apply for the S&T Undergraduate Scholarships Program of DOST.