There are lots of privileges offered to Filipino students to continuously support their school expenses and other related educational finances wherein they could be able to continue their course to finish and acquire a quality education at a tertiary level. Furthermore, this small amount of support serves as their motivation to strive even harder and to continuously dream their dreams depending upon their chosen field of interest.
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In line with this, the University of the Philippines or also known as UP continuously support Filipino students that are academically versatile and excellent most particularly in the academic field but underprivileged financially yet deserving to attain high standards of educational learning. Through the effort of the said university together with their scholarship sponsors both public and private many students had been given a chance to finish their dream course with the help of different scholarship programs.
In this article, you will be informed of some important information and ideas regarding the Filipino-American Military Medical Officers (FAMMOS) Scholarship at the University of the Philippines Diliman. This will serve as your informational support to strengthen and widen your understanding regarding the said educational scholarship as well as the important information that interested applicants need to know that is useful when they apply for the said program.

What is the Filipino-American Military Medical Officers (FAMMOS) Scholarship – at the University of the Philippines?
The Filipino-American Military Medical Officers (FAMMOS) Scholarship- University of the Philippines or otherwise known as FAMMOS is a renewable scholarship grant given to financially unstable individuals are had relations to any veteran and active member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines that is deceased or alive who wish to study at the University of the Philippines (UP).
The scholarship is being sponsored by FAMMOS which is being administered by the UP Office of the Scholarship and Grants (OSG) under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. The scholars have the right to renew her scholarship every semester until he or she finishes the course. The qualified applicants are entitled to receive the following benefits provided that he or they must have the following qualifications mentioned in the article below.
Programs of Study Covered by the Filipino-American Military Medical Officers (FAMMOS) Scholarship at the – University of the Philippines
Below is the list of all the degree programs or courses being offered at the University of the Philippines Diliman that are covered by the FAMMOS program.
Undergraduate Programs
- Anthropology
- Applied Physics
- Applied Psychology
- Architecture
- Art Education
- Art History
- Art Studies (Art History, Interdisciplinary, Philippine Art)
- Biology
- Broadcast Communication
- Building Technology
- Business Administration
- Business Administration and Accountancy
- Business Economics
- Business Economics (UPEPP)
- Business Management (UPEPP)
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Clothing Technology
- Community Development
- Communication Research
- Community Nutrition
- Comparative Literature
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Creative Writing
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Elementary Education
- English Studies: Language
- English Studies: Literature
- European Languages
- Family Life and Child Development
- Filipino
- Film
- Food Technology
- Geodetic Engineering
- Geography
- Geology
- History
- Home Economics
- Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Engineering
- Interior Design
- Journalism
- Juris Doctor
- Landscape Architecture
- Library and Information Studies
- Linguistics
- Malikhaing Pagsulat
- Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mathematics
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- Music
- Painting
- Philippine Studies
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Sculpture
- Secondary Education
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Speech Communication
- Sport Science
- Sports Studies
- Statistics
- Theatre Arts
- Tourism
- Visual Communication
The qualified candidates can enjoy the following opportunity and privileges if they are qualified for the said scholarship program. Thus, the following are the benefits that the eligible applicants can acquire:
- Qualified applicants have the privilege to avail the 90% of the annual interests of the Endowment Fund but not exceeding Php 25, 000 per semester but it will change upon the University inflation demand.
The following is the list of qualification requirements that aspiring applicants must meet to be eligible for the said scholarship program.
- For incoming freshmen students interested applicants must pass the University of the Philippines College Admission Test.
- A general weighted average (GWA) of 2.5 must be observed by the second-year and above-year level applicants wherein they must not have failed or incomplete grades upon application.
- Must be enrolled in at least 15 units upon applying or granting the scholarship.
- Must be a regular student upon receiving the scholarship grant.
- Must be a financially needy student and the parent’s income must exceed Php 350, 000.
- Must be related to anyone that is an Armed Forces of the Philippines veteran member (deceased or alive).
Here is a list of the necessary application documents that you must provide before the deadline for submission to qualify for the said scholarship program.
- University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT)
- Family’s or Parent’s Income Tax Return (ITR)
- Duly Accomplished Application Form
- Affidavit of the source of income of the family including the amount
- Active e-mail account
How to Process UP FAMMOS Scholarship
To the students who wish to apply and avail of a Filipino-American Military Medical Officers (FAMMOS) Scholarship – at the University of the Philippines, the following are the step-by-step guide and processes that the interested applicants need to know and be familiar with for ease of access and application process.
Step 1: For interested applicants, you can download the application using the link posted –
Step 2: You can also apply online by clicking this link .
Step 3: Follow all the necessary instructions and fill up the online application form.
Step 4: Always re-check the information included in your application form so that you can avoid errors and problems before submitting it.
Step 5: Click the submit button once you are done verifying it and wait for the notification response to your application.
Step 6: You will be notified regarding your application status. This is done via e-mail or phone call and text message so make sure that you put the correct and active contact information so that you are reachable and updated.
Important Reminders
Attached below are some of the important points and reminders that aspiring applicants need to remember before applying for the FAMMOS program.
- Review the qualifications of the scholarship program first before applying it so that it won’t be a waste of time for you.
- The scholarship office of the said university will be going to have a schedule of applications and a deadline for submission for those who are interested to apply.
- You can visit the scholarship office of the said university for inquiries.
- Always double-check the information being encoded in your application form to avoid possible conflicts and errors.
- If you have some issues or concerns, you can visit their social websites at
Video: University of the Philippines SA Orientation
Check out this video that is all about the student assistantship orientation of the University of the Philippines in which they discuss some important points and ideas regarding the student assistantship. It is also an interesting video discussion that will allow you to have a better understanding of their systematic student assistance program and procedure as well as learn about the culture inside UP Diliman as it somehow gives you a brief overview of the rules and regulations inside the said university.
Aside from that, the video also discusses the basic functions of their office and how they served the best opportunity for the student of the said university, wherein they emphasized that they allow the students to have a choice to choose whether what scholar they want to indulge in considering that every student has their unique interest. Hence, this video will greatly help those UP students who wish to avail any of the scholarships that are being offered by their institution.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is the scholarship program open to all degree courses and programs? Can we apply for any bachelor’s degree courses?
The scholarship program is open to all college courses of the said university. Additionally, it is open to any degree programs or courses of your choice as long as you are willing to maintain good academic standing while you are considered a scholarship beneficiary. Before that, you must also meet one of the requisites of the said scholarship program such as being a relative of anyone that was an Armed Forces of the Philippines veteran member (deceased or alive).
2. What if I fail to maintain my general weighted average grade, will I be revoked and terminated from my scholarship?
One of the terms and conditions of the said grant highlights that if ever a scholar or grantee failed to maintain the general grade average set by the scholarship grant, it could lead to the termination of the scholarship obtained. Hence, if ever you’ll become one of the beneficiaries of the FAMMOS program, you must continuously maintain a good academic performance and record. Hence, UP encourages students to maintain their grades and make sure that they are doing their part as a scholar.
3. If ever I plan to shift course, will it not affect my scholarship?
If the scholars have some plans to shift from their course, they must inform the scholarship office ahead of time to make sure that they will be notified and to avoid breaking systematic policy rules imposed by the said program. Additionally, beneficiaries must ask for approval first so that the scholarship administrators will know their status or their standing as scholars. Thus, before shifting to another course or degree program, seek first the approval of the scholarship administrators to continuously benefit from the scholarship.
4. Where can I go if I have some questions to raise regarding the status of my application?
The Office of the Scholarship Grant of the University of the Philippines Diliman is the one who administers this scholarship program. Hence, if you have some concerns regarding the status of your application, you may directly raise your concerns to them since they are the ones authorized to assist students regarding the different scholarship programs being offered by the university. Aside from that, they are also the ones that can assist you best with the questions and concerns that you want to ask.
5. How will we know the schedule of the application?
The schedule of application for the different scholarship programs including FAMMOS is announced through a post on their different social media sites like FB pages, official websites, or even on their YouTube channel. You can visit their FB page by clicking this link
6. How long is the duration of the scholarship program cover?
The duration of this scholarship program will depend on the scholar’s preferences. Since it is renewable every semester, scholars have the right to whether they will reapply for this scholarship again or not until they finish their course. It also depends on how consistent they are to maintain their academic standing and scholarship minimum requirement.
Hence, this is the process of applying for the Filipino-American Military Medical Officers (FAMMOS) Scholarship available at the University of the Philippines. The application is only easy as long as you have made yourself familiar with the application procedure discussed above and you can provide all the documentary requirements, they may request of you. You must also be able to maintain good academic records and standing to continuously benefit from the said program even though it is renewable every year.
Additionally, if you still have some questions or concerns, you can contact them using the contact information mentioned above. Thus, everything is now made possible and within your reach. You just have to persevere to break through in life. Hence, good luck with your application.